Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11 post. 2001 and 2012

It has been some time since I posted here, we all have been busy but on the 14th anniversary of the attack on the US by Islamic terrorists, I find it compelling to comment. 

Let's catch up.

My son is now 17 and living in Florida, he is a good kid and still loves me, I consider that a good achievement.

We elected a black man POTUS twice yet race relations are worst than they where 30 years ago.

I have lived both in the south and the north, and the folks in the north are way more racist than people in the south.  

Law abiding gun owners continue to have their rights taken away from them every time a wakco murder kills someone. 

4 people killed in Benghazi and still nothing?

The US Navy has fewer ships than it did in World War One.

Why does the current administration want to give everything to Iran? 

Call me crazy but the current policy of the administration is pushing race baiting,  anti cop, so they can impose Marshall Law, suspend elections and keep Obama in office,

The guys that placed the Boston Marathon bombs will turn out to be FBI informants.

The Republic as we know it is at risk, and I truly hope that the two Purple Hearts my uncle Maynard J. Rogg, one earned by being KIA 18 June 1944 will not be in vain.

If guns kill people mine are defective, because they have not broken out of their locked storage containers and killed anyone.

I work armed security and do not have the money to buy my own vest, if some yahoo kills me I will go down with a fight, but it would be nice if the POTUS would tell his sons to pull up their pants and stop shooting.

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